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- Commitment No. 1 -

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Focus 2023

LAFONT dresses international chefs

As the exclusive official partner of the MICHELIN guide, Lafont dresses Michelin-starred chefs around the world.

Through its famous jackets, with collars embroidered with distinctions and vintages, given to the chefs of selected restaurants, the specialist in high-end workwear promotes French cuisine around the world and exports the gourmet "French touch" beyond our borders. Matt Abé, Gareth Ward, Lorna McNee and Hrishikesh Desai reinvent and sublimate a French culinary tradition to which these rising stars of the kitchen bring their culture, local influences and inspirations. These new muses embody the values and know-how of excellence of the LAFONT brand: ancestral techniques combined with commitment, passion and modernity, capable of evolving with the times. For three years, LAFONT will be sharing with these creative and demanding professionals a French art de vivre, revisited by the next generation of the world's top chefs.

Focus 2022

CEPOVETT accelerates its international development

CEPOVETT promotes French know-how by relying on the reputation of its Lafont brand.

The Group is stepping up its international expansion by opening its own subsidiaries in Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Dubai. It will also be forging partnerships in the Gulf States. Already present worldwide through its international customers (Air France, Accor, Nespresso, etc.) which it delivers to in 180 countries, CEPOVETT is thus reducing its dependence on its historical market and extending its logic of sharing values and know-how to its international partners. As a pioneering French showcase for sustainable workwear, the CEPOVETT group helps to spread textile excellence, embodied by the emblematic pieces in its various collections. In addition to high-end, innovative products, CEPOVETT provides its customers with advice, services and support in their activities, specific to the needs of each market.

Focus 2021

CEPOVETT participates in the " SDG AMBITION ACCELERATOR " program

In order to reach the objectives set for 2030, the UN has decided to support companies in the implementation of concrete actions.

In 2021, CEPOVETT was selected to take part in the international "SDG Ambition Accelerator" program, a series of workshops developed by the United Nations Global Compact, in conjunction with Accenture and SAP. As a member of the Global Compact, CEPOVETT has distinguished itself both by integrating the SDGs into its CSR approach, and by making progress on these issues. Initiated in 2020, this program, in a 100%, digital format, aims to prioritize actions that will accelerate companies' contributions to the SDGs as well as set more ambitious SDG targets, based on the best standards. At the end of this 6-month training course, a skills assessment will be carried out. This enriched reading of CSR issues will constitute a future benchmark for CEPOVETT.

Focus 2020

Towards a road map of the 2030 SDGs

This end of the 2019-20 cycle is an opportunity for the company to realign its corporate vision, mission, ambition and values with the challenges of the next decade. 2030 is, in fact, the horizon set by the UN in 2015 to achieve the 17 sustainable development goals that the 193 member states programmed in 2015.
The next ten years will therefore be decisive for the achievement of these SDGs, which represent a series of major challenges for the textile industry (responsible production and consumption, fight against climate change, preservation of aquatic life and environmental protection, well-being at work and fight against inequalities).
CEPOVETT's 2020-2025 progress plan has been aligned with that of the SDGs -and all our energy focused on SDG 12- so that the company integrates the universal agenda of this global program in its roadmap.

Our 2019 results

    • CEPOVETT CSR Policy 2020-202580%
    • Deployment of CSR markers for CEPOVETT Safety / Lafont in the 2020 collections60%
    • CEPOVETT's CSR best practices outreach75%

    Focus 2019

    Towards a CEPOVETT Group 2030 vision

    In 2019, CEPOVETT Group is reflecting on its raison d'être, the future of its business, its industry and its customers, as part of its 2030 vision. Perpetuating the tradition of transmission, this model of family business governance reaffirms its ambition to be just as successful in the years to come, and to build its business for the long term.
    While the acquisition of LAFONT - founded in 1844 - anchors the company in history, the OX'BRIDGE label has established itself as the brand for professional ready-to-wear, and the affirmation of CEPOVETT SAFETY is shaping the future of protection for people in the workplace. The end of 2019 is an opportunity for the company to realign its corporate vision, mission, ambition and values with its future challenges.

    Our 2018 results

      • Materiality matrix 2020 CEPOVETT Group50%
      • Deployment of Lafont CSR markers in the 2019 collection80%
      • Spreading of good CSR practices among SMEs within C3D and Global Compact France80%

      Focus 2018

      CEPOVETT Group, a contributing company

      Companies can no longer be satisfied with doing no harm, but are increasingly integrating the idea of "doing good". For CEPOVETT Group, the idea of going beyond taking into account the negative externalities of its activities is part of a desire to maximize its positive impact, while seeking to increase its overall value: better products and services, greater attractiveness to customers, greater resilience in its market, well-being for its employees or daring to co-construct with its stakeholders. Today, the contributive enterprise is at the heart of the social debate, in the service of a "common good". The stakes are all the higher, as the survival of the business model depends on it!
      In 2017, CEPOVETT Group consolidated its position as French leader in professional clothing with sales of almost 130 million euros. The company pursues its policy of sharing CSR best practices with all stakeholders and is committed to a logic of experimentation, of "small steps", by integrating the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) benchmark as its roadmap. A member of the board of Global Compact France and co-founder of the Tour de France PME, CEPOVETT Group has also been a member of the Board of Directors of the College of Sustainable Development Directors (C3D) since January 2016.

      Our 2017 results

        • Alignment with SDG 12100%
        • Spreading good CSR practices within the C3D70%
        • Formalization of Lafont CSR markers100%

        Focus 2017

        CEPOVETT Group, liberated company

        As a "liberated company", CEPOVETT Group favors the empowerment and responsibility of men and women, so that they can develop a sense of well-being at work, while promoting diversity. For the organization, this is a way of unleashing individual energies in the service of the collective and taking a positive look at management, employees, work and the company. In 2016, the acquisition of one of France's finest workwear jewels consolidated the Group's position as French leader in professional clothing, with sales of nearly 130 million euros. With a view to sharing best practices and CSR progress, CEPOVETT Group is notably a member of the Global Compact France board and co-founder of the Tour de France PME, which goes out into the field to meet the men and women involved in CSR. Since January 2016 CEPOVETT Group has been a member of the Board of Directors of the College of Sustainable Development Directors (C3D).

        Our 2016 results

          • Creation of a Corporate Foundation "CEPOVETT Group Solidarity20%
          • Alignment with SDGs 2015-203060%
          • Founding partner of the Tour de France SME of Global Compact France100%

          Focus 2016

          CEPOVETT Group, liberated company

          As a "liberated company", CEPOVETT Group favors the empowerment and responsibility of men and women, so that they can develop a sense of well-being at work, while promoting diversity. For the organization, this is a way of unleashing individual energies in the service of the collective and taking a positive look at management, employees, work and the company. In 2016, the acquisition of one of France's finest workwear jewels consolidated the Group's position as French leader in professional clothing, with sales of nearly 130 million euros. With a view to sharing best practices and CSR progress, CEPOVETT Group is notably a member of the Global Compact France board and co-founder of the Tour de France PME, which goes out into the field to meet the men and women involved in CSR. Since January 2016 CEPOVETT Group has been a member of the Board of Directors of the College of Sustainable Development Directors (C3D).